Adjust ruler/grid for working with feet/inches

I’ve experimented with settings in Options->LibreOffice Draw, but I can’t seem to achieve a very basic goal. What I want to do is simply set the major divisions of the ruler and grid to feet, and set the subdivisions of the ruler and grid to inches.

However, no matter how much I mess with Options->LibreOffice Draw->General/Grid, I can’t seem to achieve this. For example, the grid never aligns with the ruler when Options->LibreOffice Draw->General->Unit of measurement is set to foot, and the subdivisions of the ruler always seem to be 1/10 of a unit, which is worthless when I need feet/inches.

Thanks for any help!

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It might be best to everything in inches then

  1. I set ruler to Inches
  2. In Tools > Options > LibreOffice Draw > General I set Scale to 1:12 and Unit of measurement to inch, Apply.
  3. In Tools > Options > LibreOffice Draw > Grid under Resolution I set Horizontal and Vertical to 1.00", under Subdivision I set both to 12 spaces and OK.

I then drew a square snapping to grid and measured it with the Dimension Line

You can easily make a ruler on the page by using the duplicate command. In the attached file for 1:12 scale, Letter size paper, there is an 8 foot ruler that you can move around or lock on a different layer.
InchesWithRuler.odg (12.5 KB)

It looks as though everything will be measured in inches but objects will snap to the inch.

You can do calculations in Calc, for a measurement in inches entered in A1, in B1 enter =INT(A1/12)&"' "&MOD(A1,12)&"""" to get text in feet and inches

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