Can I switch Tabs using UNO methods?

I’ve created a Tabbed dialog using … service family. Clicks on tabs operate fine. I would like to permute tabs using keyboard event handlers next to mouse clicks.

I cannot identify a method that switches tabs via scripting.

Ctrl+PgUp/Down is the built-in shortcut navigating through tabs.

Thanks for this

What I’m looking for is an UNO method to be scripted in combination with Alt+underlined letter - e.g. ~Tabname - accelerator keys

Based on the sample code by our Finnish friend @Pertsa

Sub Main
REM globalscope.basiclibraries.loadlibrary("XrayTool")
dlg = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.UserForm1)
tc = dlg.Controls(22)
REM XrayTool._Main.Xray(tc)

End Sub

The tab index seems to be 1-based.
The dialog model is useless in this case. The corresponding model property is “MultiPageValue”.
Property ActiveTabID (read-only) gets the active tab ID.

and everyone…
'Property: MultiPageValue - Value: 4 (I had set it when coding my VBA-tuning)
Dim oControl As Object
oControl = MyForm1.getControl(“MultiPage1”) 'MyForm1 is my Dialog box name
oControl.Model.setPropetyValue(“MultiPageValue”, 1) 'or whatever you want (in limit of the Page count :wink:)

Now it’s just a piece of cake to put a keylistener/event.
Research and more research

Indeed, I missed that property.

@Villeroy @Pertsa
Thanks for your answers. However a multi-page dialog does not convey the UI I’m currently interested in.

You’ll find attached the WiP document containing the Organizer.Controller.KeyListener_keyPressed routine that’s worrying me.
Scripting Tabbed Dialogs.odt (120.6 KB)


I was able to tune this up based on your tip. Quite laborious, but at least you can see the controls in design mode. :saluting_face:
TabDialogTest.odt (18.6 KB)

To switch between tabs, you need to set a new ActiveTabPageID value.
So in your example:


instead of


Great !

The answer was line# 49 in my Controller module. Stupid me !

You have done a voluminous and interesting job!

I want to avoid the tedious part of setting event handlers dynamically. I’m now evaluating the use of ScriptForge to relink copied controls to pre-defined listeners via SFDialogs.DialogControl read/write event properties.

It would be really nice if you could let us know when you have progressed to the point where the UI works seamlessly.

As for my own tuning I ran into a practically insurmountable problem trying to port my old VBA tuning to the LibreOffice Basic environment.
I got it to work as it originally did, but the API of the service I used has changed so much that the whole tuning is basically completely useless.
Thanks to your tip, I basically could build a new one by starting from a clean slate.