(No further bumps, hopefully. The issue was handled due to a thankworthy intervention of a contributor to another forum that actually deserves this name. He was also the original reporter of the mentioned bug.)
See LibO 5.2 or higher: TEXJOIN and CONCAT behaviour (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum .
See also https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=99625#c22.
(2. Bump. There are also new comments to be regarded here.)
To everybody having access to Excel 2016 and in specific to @rautamiekka.
I would like to ask again for testing an example. To simplify things a bit I now do it based on an example, one Alan Murray (MS software trainer and founder of the “Computergaga”) posted on YouTube as of 2016-11-02.
See this demonstrating file.
In case of problems like those @rautamiekka already experienced, I would suggest to re-enter the critical formulae via the keyboard. Please note that only Excel 2016 can be used for this. Older versions won’t do, and a cloud implementation may also differ.
@karolus is right with his comment as far as the facts are concerned. He did not know the comments on the bug tdf#99625 by developers I linked in later.
(1. Bump. Also regard my answering comment to the comment by @rautamiekka, please.)
There is a saying that Excel 2016 has implemented two new functions, namely CONCAT and TEXTJOIN capable of accumualting an arbitrary number of text pieces where these pieces may be listed one by one (as also possible using CONCATENATE), but also can be given as the contents of referenced cell ranges.
The second variant can be used to solve some tasks formerly depending on complicated usage of helper columns or even on user programming, now in a handy way. To get the full power out of these functions we need, of course, to be able to pass calculated arrays instead of simple ranges via the respective parameters. To do so, a formula will need to be entered explicitly for array-evaluation.
A simple example:
returning the concatenation of those elements of B1:B10
that correspond with values < 5 in A1:A10
, and leaving out the other elements.
Handling an enhancement request (tdf#97831) these functions were also implemented in LibO Calc as of V5.2.0.
As I was told, “There are no specifications, as these functions were introduced to be compatible with Excel’s new functions, …”. I still do not understand how this can justify an implementation without first stating which behaviour of the Excel functions was actually explored and now is to reproduce. In fact we have the mess that obviously nobody knows which behaviour actually was observed and that there are contradicting opinions about how it should be in the cases where array-evaluation is needed. Since 2016-05-02 when a respective bug was filed nobody was able to clear the issue. Currently the concerned developers obviously have no access to Excel 2016 for testing.
Might, please, someone having access to Excel 2016 transfer the content of this attached example to a spreadsheet made by that software, and test if the behaviour in Excel (2016) actually is the same as in Calc (>=V5.2.0) or in what way it differs.
See also: tdf#99625, tdf#101124 (meanwhile marked as duplicate).