Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Cinnamon desktop GUI
My laptop came with LO 5 pre-installed. Recently I installed LO6 (without first de-installing LO 5) and things started going south. Clicking on a file name (say, ‘myfile.odt’) would only result in the LO 6 splash banner, but the app never actually opened the file, or even opened with no file loaded. And if I simply opened an app (OL Writer) and used it’s ‘file’ menu to located and open a file, it would work — if I could locate the file. There were some directories outside of /home/myuser that it wouldn’t even show me. Also, FWIW, if I used my desktop (Cinnamon) ‘start’ menu, the ‘office’ group showed icons for both the LO 5 and LO6 apps. After getting 6 installed, I never tried the v5 to see if they still worked.
Trying to resolve the issue, I sought help on the Ubuntu forums and on advice there, deinstalled and re-installed. Now, nothing works and I cannot open any LO files. No matter what method is used to start Writer, either with or without a specific document, all I can get is the splash banner. I haven’t a clue how to clean up this mess and get things working as they should, but I’m willing to go so far as to completely remove/eradicate LO completely so that I can get a clean installation as if it had never been there … but will need some guidance.
More detail on exactly what I’ve done may be found in my thread on the Ubuntu forum, at problem opening docs after upgrade of LibreOffice
Thank you for any available assistance.