When I try to convert an Impress (.odp) file to an Power Point (.ppt) using soffice
with the “MS PowerPoint 97” filter - I get the following error (/mnt/c/Rigal/TempC/TexStackAnswerBeamerToPPT/LaTeX/
it’s my working directory):
convert /mnt/c/Rigal/TempC/TexStackAnswerBeamerToPPT/LaTeX/test.odp -> /mnt/c/Rigal/TempC/TexStackAnswerBeamerToPPT/LaTeX/test.ppt using filter : MS PowerPoint 97
Overwriting: /mnt/c/Rigal/TempC/TexStackAnswerBeamerToPPT/LaTeX/test.ppt
Error: Please verify input parameters... (SfxBaseModel::impl_store <file:///mnt/c/Rigal/TempC/TexStackAnswerBeamerToPPT/LaTeX/test.ppt> failed: 0xc10(Error Area:Io Class:Write Code:16) /build/libreoffice-kHUbkE/libreoffice-7.3.0~rc3/sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx:3202 /build/libreoffice-kHUbkE/libreoffice-7.3.0~rc3/sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx:1775)
Strictly speacking I use this command line:
soffice --headless --convert-to ppt:"MS PowerPoint 97" test.odp
I found the filter name here (help.libreoffice.org/7.3).
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL), detail below (obtained with lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
LibreOffice version (obtained with libreoffice --version
): LibreOffice 30(Build:3)
Am I doing something wrong?