How to change the cell comment indicator on Calc?

On previous versions of LibreOffice, the cell comment indicator used to be a small, red, subtle square on the top right corner of the cell. New LO versions have a much bigger red square that really gets in the way to easy visualize cell information.

I work with large spreadsheets and pretty much every cell has or will have a comment at some point, but the new format makes this feature unusable and is a deal breaker for me. I’ve had to downgrade to the last version that supports the old format, which seems to be version

This is how it used to look:

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This is how it looks now:

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Is there any way to change the aspect of this comment indicator?

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It’s even bigger now:


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Seems it will be a bit little with the next version. Available for test from Index of /libreoffice/old/

With 5.4.4
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With 6.0.0
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Thank you! I just tested it but it’s still displayed pretty big, at least on Mac OS. once the LO version 6 is publicly published I’ll try again. Thanks! (I just updated the original question with a picture of how it looks on version 6)

Been using OO på OSX Maverrick and upgradede to OSX Catalina and tries out LibreOffice

My Commenct indicatore looks just like the one from your picture of 5.4.4 and im using colored cells so it dosent look very good, when i got comment in 95% of my colored cells…

Will this Comment indicator be upgradede soon?

In OO 4.1.7 and catalina it looks much better