I am currently working in a recipe file with recipe titles followed by a 2-column list of ingredients, which are followed by single-column instructions
I generally like Writer, but it does not perform well with columns.
I looked in vain to create a style with 2 columns. If there is a way, please inform me. (It seems columns have to be inserted manually each time they are used.)
When I insert columns manually, the columns behave erratically. With the specifications to “distribute columns evenly,” I often end up with 1 line in the first columns and the rest of the lines in the second column. (I can sometimes fix this by manually inserting a column break in the second column. Other times this just creates more problems.) This behavior is not consistent. Sometimes it works as it’s supposed to, but I cannot figure out what makes the program behave correctly and what makes it behave incorrectly.
I have found it best to set columns after finishing a section of text (not necessarily defined as a “section”), and sometimes that works great:
In a section of text, I high-light the portion I wish to format as 2 columns. It works, and the rest of the text stays as 1 column text.
Other times, the columns may be erratic (see above) and/or the rest of the text is pushed to the next page as though I inserted a manual page break after the columns, which I didn’t. There seems to be no way to remove that invisible column break.
The problems above all occur in native Writer (*.odt) format.
Sometimes the program actually behaves better in Word 2007-365 *.docx format, after I save a writer doc in that format. Other times it doesn’t.
In short, it seems that the column formatting feature is highly erratic and not dependable, unless I"m missing something.
If I’m missing something, I would really appreciate help in seeing it.
If I’m not missing something, it seems to me that the column feature needs more attention.
I followed instructions of ajlittoz below as I understood them - which meant mainly that I removed the “keep with next” instructions for all styles. I still came up with glitchy behavior in the attached file. I did not try to “fix” anything but left the columns as they showed up after specifying 2 columns with "columns distributed evenly."Vegan Cheese.odt
What next?