How to rotate multiple objects individually, each around its own center?

It isn’t easily possible to select multiple objects and then rotate them individually (i.e. each object around it own center), is it? My use-case is a seating chart that I want to orient two ways. So I have rectangles with text (names) in them which I turn upside down collectively and then would have to rotate again individually to be able to read them correctly. I thought I could just change the orientation of the text, but apparently that isn’t possible.
Is the only option a macro that somehow loops through the objects?

Is Calc an option for you? You could e. g. transpose etc.

In Draw you could group some elements and then mirror them, see attachment. The characters don’t change but stay readable (see page 2, mirrored group).

RotateMultiple.odg (17.1 KB)

For better understanding please share a sample file. Thank you.

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Thanks, I had indeed used Calc before, but I like the more “haptic” approach of virtually “dragging” the desks in Draw and also arranging them more freely than in rows and columns.
Thanks also for the attachment; that wasn’t quite what I intended. I adjusted it to illustrate what I mean. The same arrangement should be viewed once from the teacher’s perspective and once from the students’. In the attached file, I rotated some of the desks manually, but I had hoped it could be somehow done in one go.
RotateMultiple1.odg (16 KB)