I accidentally undocked elements tab in Math and it won't go back, nothing works

So thing thing happened,. I somehow dragged the elements tab. and it won’t snap back. There is already a topic here abt it: I accidentally dragged the Elements Tool Panel, how to redock it? but it lies. NOTHING in this thread work, and apparently questions have expiration dates so I can’t tell them they are lying. i even tried reinstalling the darn thing and guess what THE DARN WINDOW IS STILL UNSNAPPED so, how to fix this?

Why are they lying? It worked for them.

See this question, Find toolbar is hiding

Ctrl+Shift+F10 is probably what you need

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What @PhLo described in the mentioned old thread, and what was accepted there as the solution, still works for me in LibreOffice

It may require some patience to find a position bringing up the provisional frame.
The Editing Panel for Math formulas you are talking of, has a context menu as long as it is floating. I wouildn’t object if somebody added an item to that menu like Dock again with a choice like Left / Right e.g. (In fact you can dock the panel also at the right side.)

You may file a related feature request to bugs.documentfoundation.org. If you try, be clear and stick to facts.

This works fine but you didn’t mention your OS. Under MacOS, some Fx keys are intercepted by the OS (F11 for sure, I don’t remember for F10). There is also a context-sensitivity possibility. To avoid this problem, put the cursor between the “category” drop-down menu and the list of the available category elements (this area has a very light gray background on my computer; colour depends on the theme).

Doesn’t work.

Edit by LeroyG.

yeah I was hoping someone would say that the position is stored in some ini file or registry key

Edit by LeroyG.

…er If I put the cursor between the menu and the list it does nothing. I can move the window when I click on the bar.

And it’s windows 7

Edit by LeroyG.

I was not clear enough in my suggestion:

  • put rhe cursor between active widgets in the undocked window, i.e. below the drop-down menu and the list of elements
  • don’t move the mouse now
  • press Ctrl+ Shift+ F10

This should redock the elements window.

If you accept to reset all your settings: rename your profile (found in the hidden %APPDATA% folder). LO will then create a new one. Maybe you need to copy macros, dictionaries etc from the old profile afterwards. Depends on your workstyle…
Don’t delete the old profile! (Unless you know what you do…)

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Another related question:

One more:

And another:

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YES! That bloody worked! i mean, it’s an equivalent of killing a mosquito with a cannon, but it does, in fact, work.

Also I have no idea how to quote replies. Silly me was thinking that clicking reply under a certain comment would quote it, but apparently it doesn’t because reasons.

Just select part of a question/comment/answer, then click the Reply icon.

You can copy back most of the folders in the user folder, not config though, see LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki

Not the OP, @EarnestAl, but why not copy the config folder? In my case it contains my custom palettes.

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It worked under linux Kubuntu/ LO

While the mentioned solution doesn’t work anymore

I use KDE Plasma, accidentally undocked Command Window in LibreOffice Writer. Ctrl + Shift + F10 worked, but not initially. Turned out that I had an option “Lock Toolbars” checked, this can be found in View → Toolbars. Only after I unchecked it the panel was able to be docked again.
What’s weird is that after I checked “Lock Toolbars” back, docking and undocking with Ctrl + Shift + F10 still worked, I have yet to find a way to reproduce the bug with this shortcut refusing to work