I want to recover my old password

I wrote down my old password, and when I tried to use it as such, I got a bot message that read “Bad old Password” (or words to that effect). In that case, how can I recover my old password? More to the point, if I can’t recover my old password, I can’t create a new password. Catch 22 !!!

I think this isn’t an uncommon problem - I think it happens fairly often, and if that’s so, it must have been reported (and resolved) in this forum. On the other hand, in " Your topic is similar to…", I see only 5 topics, and none of them seem to address my password recovery problem.

OK, I’ll stop whining and wait for your astute replies. :sunglasses:


Is your question really related to a database problem? (you tagged base) Or do you consider it is a common question?

Anyway, improve your question by adding OS name, LO version and the kind of file/document you’re in trouble with (here question are editable contrary to forum sites).

Are you trying to recover some document you have protected with a password or access some database server? In the former case, there is no hope unless you remember part of the password because LO uses a strong cryptographic algorithm. After all, a protected document is not supposed to be easily readable by a non-authorised reader.

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Or is this a password to this Ask site?

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Good morning, @ajlittoz ; let me break it down as follows:

My question isn’t related to a database problem; I called it a “base” problem because I assumed “base” meant “basic” and that term seemed more fitting to me than any of the other terms.

“Common”? I didn’t think so. LO would be in a real pickle if my problem was “common”. As you say, “there is no hope unless you remember part of the password because LO uses a strong cryptographic algorithm.” In my case, I wrote down a bad password that I used when I downloaded LO. How could that happen without getting the kind of notifications I’m currently getting from the LO bot?

More to the point, if my situation is hopeless, what can I do now? Nothing? If this is a “common” problem, I should have some recourse. Yes? No? Scream and run sideways?

A question is common when it involves all LO components (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, …) as is the case when the cause is related to the core of the suite, such as a shared library. This is the case with password protection offered in every component.

That said, there is no tag for “basics” (beware of basic which addresses Basic programming for macros), “fundamental”, “frequently occuring”, “newbie”, … question.

The topic of password recovery has been covered in details in a question which was unfortunately deleted from this site. Refer to this post which point to an archive displaying the original discussion.

If your password was ever effective, there is no reason it stopped to be. So double-check your piece of paper for ambiguous reading of quickly written characters. If the password comes only from your memory, write it down and think deeply about your logic when you created it and try to find where your memory betrays you.

Last, if you’re confident about most of the characters in it, you can try to run @Lupp’s macros on the missing bits.

Once again, which kind of document are you trying to recover? Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress?

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" A question is common when it involves all LO components (Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, …)" That’s my situation

__"__It contained a lengthy explanation about password protection and a macro by @Lupp to attempt to recover a forgotten password based on guesses.

Questions about password protection and workaround attempts are asked periodically. The mentioned question contained a wealth of valuable information.

Is there a way to recover it?"

I have no idea what to make of that

" If your password was ever effective, there is no reason it stopped to be"

So if there was an effect, there was no cause? That’s nonsense !!!

Let me cut to the chase: 10 minutes ago, I called a Bank of America agent in order to reset my passcode. She (Sniah) told me how to do that and helped me do it. Now, everything Bank of America - wise is sweetness and light.

Why is LO doom and gloom?

This is ridiculous !!! Over.

Again: where exactly is your password? Are you talking about a file that you protected? Or about a site with password? Or about what?

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LO is a free and open source project. There is no central authority responsible for controlling its usage. Consequently there is no help desk capable to “reset your password”.

LO is a personal tool, meaning configuration is in your hands. Decision to enable PGP key protection is yours. And LO insisted on privacy outside any government or private company (freedom). It selected PGP which is known for its strong crypto properties. What worth would it be if a simple manipulation could work around its protection?

Note you still didn’t answer basic questions: OS name (because PGP configuration and capabilities vary with OS), filename extension (because there could be approaches more adapted to such and such type).

All questions insofar try to discover what (involuntary) mistake you could have make to revert its effect.

Last point: we are not TDF employees, only users like yourself. Note that without seeing your screen, it is very difficult to guess the cause of your problem considering the scarcity of clues you’ve given. My personal crystal ball is presently back at the wizard shop for maintenance.

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In a normal situation, the password would give me access to LibreOffice. I have hundreds of LO files; I’ve used LibreOffice since Alexander The Great was knee high to a pup. Now, for some password-related reason, I can’t use LO. It may not matter much to you, but I’m NOT a happy camper.


Can you report the exact wording? “Bad old password” suggests the app (LO really?) recognises a password formerly used but perhaps expired. The exact wording could help to isolate the offending function.
Describe exactly when it appears. Do you need to enter the password for each file you want to access once you’re in LO? Is it a key to “unlock” access to some directory?

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Or is it a special password safe program or an antivirus program with such capabilities?

You don’t need a password to download LibreOffice.
Installing LibreOffice in Windows 10 (as your tag said) may need an admin password, but later use doesn’t.
You may need a password to log into Win10, but not to start LibreOffice.
Conclusion: Your question for a password to “give me access to LibreOffice” is based on false assumpions. Therefore several people tried to get a better description of where/when/why you are asked for a password.
The normal “situation” is YOU are the admin or a user on a personal computer. The admin should know wich software is installed from where. So this person may help to get access to something on your system. At the moment you are asking “Where are my keys?” to people who may have build the house.

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  1. Exact wording “Bad old password”

  2. I need to enter the password in order to activate LibreOffice. Otherwise, my .odt and .ods files (hundreds of more or less important files) are useless. Whoa is me. :disappointed_relieved:

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“You don’t need a password to download LibreOffice”

Correct: But in order to open it, the bot requires me to fill in the blanks: See below.

What’s “it”?
What executable did you actually start/open?

  • An already installed soffice.exe?
  • The just (or earlier) downloaded installer (.msi under Win)?
  • Something else?
  • None at all, but a linked URL?

Did you ever try to start soffice.exe directly from the programs folder of your Win (“C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\” or similar)?
Concerning the comment above only presenting an image:
What happens if you click the area showing “Go to portal”? Is that area linked? Where do you get to?
Trying to start LibreOffice, you shouldn’t get such a thing displayed. Is it “web” or “Windows”? The first dialog opened by the installer also looks completely different. I think you tried to log in to a developer site of the DocumentFoundation. Did you ever have an account there?

  1. My data processing guru tells me that my operating system is Microsoft Windows 10.

  2. My version of LO in my download tray is LibreOffice 7.5.2_win_x86-64.msi

  3. I have hundreds of .ods and .odt files plus some PDFs, one .epub, one .docx, a .bmp, a .xlsx, a .csv, a couple of .mp4s and an Adobe Acrobat - 745 files in all.

  4. Am I “…trying to recover some document you have protected with a password or access some database server?” No, I’m to open my version of LO (See #2 above)


I’m trying to open the version of LO that is in my download tray (LibreOffice 7.5.2_win_x86-64.msi.)

@Dubina1, that’s the website. You don’t need to be able to access the LibreOffice website in order to use LibreOffice on your computer.

There are 3 things you could be referring to:

  1. A document password (if you protected a document with a password)
  2. The master password for LibreOffice (shown in a dialog window when it launches). In this case, Reset master password in Libreoffice - FOSS Office en might help.
  3. Alternatively, your auth.documentfoundation.org password, which is used to access user.documentfoundation.org and ask.libreoffice.org.

It appears to be, based upon I want to recover my old password - #15 by Dubina1, that the 3rd option is correct. In this case, don’t log out of ask.libreoffice.org nor clear your browser cookie cache, because that would revoke your authentication to ask.libreoffice.org.

Considering I want to recover my old password - #16 by Dubina1, why is the reset password form not enough to resolve this matter?

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As said above. No password required by LibreOffice.
Just to make sure you used the right destination, I’d suggest you diwload the file again from LibreOffice.org:
Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
After download a double-click on the msi should install LibreOffice again and for this you might need your admin-password for Windows.
One remaining question would be: As you already have LibreOffice-Files, you already should have an installed LibreOffice availabe in your StartMenu. Was this de-installed or removed?
If this would be available, there is no need to tinker with the .msi and a new install.

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