Is there a way to change the order of a custom color palette?

I stumbled on a way to create a custom color palette to solve a problem I had with a recent update of not being able to get custom colors into the highlight/font recents to reuse in a document.

Is there a way to organize or change the order those colors appear in the palette, either by color or by alphabetical name of the color?

Also, is there a way to rename the palette?

Did you look at the link I gave? Unable to replicate highlight color - #4 by EarnestAl

I did not. I will have a look at see if that works when I have time (I’m on a deadline and unable to look in the text files if there’s not an elegant way to do this in the UI).

Maybe, for the sake of speed you just want a wider, ordered colour palette. The one I use most, vertical_KG, is from an OpenOffice question and covers almost all the colours I use in LibreOffice, see
Extract the .soc and place it in the palette folder. Select it from the drop-down list of palettes.

As far as I can see, custom palettes are stored to XML files with extension .soc to the user profile in its config folder. Using an XML editor (mine is Notepad++) you can edit such files to the wanted effect.
For sorting or other automated support for editing you can probably use a spreadsheet. (I didn’t do this yet.)


perhaps this PaletteMaker template could help?

Just getting back around to this now that I have time.

Palette Maker no longer works. (I tried to create black and it didn’t return any usable values).

could you be more specific and give details?
→ OS and LibreOffice versions, what do you mean by “no longer works”? Any steps to reproduce? A sample palette that can’t be updated? etc.

Also please give file format document is saved in, e.g. .odt, docx, doc, etc.

Apparently this was due to the program using untrusted macros. Allowing macros appears to have solved that problem. I will see if I can save it as a palette now that the macros are working.