Where is the custom color palette located?

I had been given direction on the past on how to reorder a color palette.

My saga began last year: Unable to replicate highlight color - #2 by Hrbrgr

It continued here - Is there a way to change the order of a custom color palette?

So I now have the knowledge of the .soc files and using them to create a custom color palette… however I can’t find the ‘custom’ color palette in that directory to edit.

Where is the .soc file for the custom color palette located?

Have you looked this documentation at Create a new color palette - The Document Foundation Wiki

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Yes. There is no custom.soc located in C:\Users*USERNAME* \AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\config\ or C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\palette.

@TheDetour : Please read the description: You have to create this new color palette. It isn’t there if you haven’t created it.

I am asking where THIS color palette is located.

Screenshot 2024-07-22 113731

Those colors are in the registrymodifications.xcu in the user profile. Look for
<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/UserColors">

It has items for <prop oor:name="CustomColorName" ... and items for <prop oor:name="RecentColorName" ... and for the colors <prop oor:name="CustomColor"... and <prop oor:name="RecentColor"... respectively.


Thanks, I will have a look!