Labels on x axis of a graph

In calc I am making a simple graph with the values from columns A and B.

As usual, I want the first column to be the labels for the graph.

My problem is that I am non able to decide which entries are to be displayed.

Namely, I would like that only every thirteenth entry sould showed (starting from the thirteenth), so on the x axis there should be a label in position 13, 26, 39 and so on.

Here is a picture of what I get by default and that I am not able to modify to my needs.

Thank you

Hi, have you ever tried to upload a file instead of a screenshot?
See: Uploads: Images vs example files / HowTo

It seems (!) that your column A contains values of YEARMONTH and YEAR. If so: Scatter or Line diagram should be able to display them in an X axis, each 12th, maybe each 13th one.
If the values of column A are simple numbers: I am not sure that there could be a satisfactory solution.

Upload a sample file for better advice.

test.ods (39.8 KB)

Hi Grantler,
I am uploading the source file.

You are right: column A is intended to contain YYYYMM and (once a year… :laughing: ) YYYY.
Yet, they are inserted just as numbers.

The result I would like to achieve is to have labels on the x asis only for the years, whence the “1 in 13” request: but I could find no means to tell libreoffice something like “show one every n labels on the x axis” and it chooses by itself the interval.

Please note that year rows have no value provided (they have one, but it is somewhere else: this is an extract of a much bigger sheet).

(Not sure if I understood correctly the claim"I would like that only every thirteenth entry should show".)
Supposing you want to show only one data point per year, you need to decide which one.
If you want to show all the values, but only one lable per year, you should tells so, and also explain to which month the label should be applied.
As an example for possible approaches:
disask119087specialChartQuestion.ods (40.1 KB)


pivot_grouped_by_year.ods (41.8 KB)

A simple approach…

testGrantler.ods (55.7 KB)

I think I understood a couple of things:

  1. libreoffice doesn’t provide a command which gives the result “use the first row as labels for the first axis and show every n-th label”, where n is user provided;
  2. given 1), I need to provide a column of dates so that, as you do, I can specify an interval for these dates BUT
  3. the dates in my column (i.e., of the form YYYYMM or YYYY) can not be recognized by libreoffice as dates, because this conflicts with them being just plain, whole numbers, so
  4. I need to add a column with actual dates in libre office format (or modify all the dates in column A).

Am I right?

@Lupp Maybe I have been a little sloppy: “I would like that (on the x axis) only every thirteenth entry should show” and maybe label in place of entry would be even more appropriate.

I missed explicit statements about how the labes should be associated with the months, and if all the values should be displayed or only one per year. A kind of 13th month without a value may not be the best idea. On the other hand there is no “middle month”.
(Lots of additional issues.)
See new example:
disask119087specialChartQuestion_enh.ods (99.3 KB)
BTW: Mr. Rossi - Wikipedia
Yes. I am so old.

@Lupp Albeit I realize there is no solution for the problem in my graph the way I gathered my data, this second file is interesting: you and @Grantler gave me food for thought on possible directions to move on.
Many thanks.

BTW: I am also that old and I just LOVE mr. Rossi… :smile:

PS: no, I don’t think moving to a year with 13 months would be very wise: our utilities would have a sudden jump of about 8%…