No Java installation could be found. Please check your installation. Error

+JMJ+ Hi. I’m getting the “No Java installation could be found. Please check your installation” error on a MacOS 10.13.6 with Oracle JDK 20.0.2 and I’ve read all the other replies to this question (radio button checked, etc.) and have not been able to get it to work yet. Thank you for your help.

Did you follow Chapter 2 Creating a Database?

Mac. LibreOffice and Java - a never ending story:

That would be a lot of posts… But maybe you missed the problem of Intel/Arm-M2:
If you use the Intel Version of LibreOffice, you need also Java for Intel, if you use LibreOffice for “Apple silicon” you need also a fitting Java for Arm-M1/M2.
Quite the same as the 32/64- bit problem with Windows…

+JMJ+ Hi flywire. Thank you for your help. I used it to know whether or not to register the database at the beginning. I’m not sure how else to use that chapter to help with the Java problem but would appreciate knowing it.

You won’t need to register a database if you won’t use it for serial letters or something else in Writer or Calc. Nearly all my databases aren’t registered.

If you have problems with Java you could try to use the internal Firebird database instead. You will need to set experimental features ‘on’ for creating such a *.odb-file. After you created this file you could set experimental features ‘off’ and use this file. But: Without Java wizards and the Report Builder won’t work in Base.