Numbered list alignment - how does it work? What do all the labels mean in the list options?

I changed from OpenOffice, because it is no longer supported/working.
I simply wanted to use a numbered list, with numbers right aligned (so text is not moved right, going from ‘9’ to ‘10’ ).
The answer on this site hasn’t helped me… I am a newbie.
Have I asked at the correct place here, on this forum?

I guess that you are using a wider or larger font and the Ordered list icon, rather than a list style.
You just need a bit more space for the tab between the numbers and the words, I will use Liberation Sans at 14 pt

  1. Select the list and click Format > Bullets and Numbering.
  2. Click on the Position tab
  3. Increase the measurement at Tab stop at: and Indent at: to, say, 1.59 cm (5/8 ") for both. If you’re going to 100 then maybe 1.91 cm (3/4") would be better.

If you want level two to align then

  1. Click on level 2 and set Aligned at: to 1.59 cm or 1.91 cm depending on step 3 above.
  2. Still at level 2, set Tab stop at: and Indent at: to 2.54 cm (1.91 cm + 0.63 cm), that is 3/4"+1/4" = 1"

OrderedListTabStop&Indent_107260.odt (30.9 KB)

If the above looks too complicated initially, you could instead:

  1. Select the list and click Format > Bullets and Numbering.
  2. Click on the Position tab
  3. In the Aligned at: field, where is reads 0.64 cm (1/4"), you could set that to zero. The list would be aligned at the margin instead of indented but the list will run to 100 without problem.

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Which answer? Please give a link.

I am using the Bullets and Numbering option in the Format tab.
How do I set a default format for the numbering?
Everytime I use this, I have to specify all the parameters again.
That is the Aligned at: Numbering alignment: Numbering followed by: Tab stop at: Indent at:
Every single time - surely I have missed something.
Thank you Earnest AI

This is where the List styles help. You can create or alter a list style in a blank document and then make a template, or default template, so it is available to any document created from that template.

You can also copy part of a styled list to second document and the style (with the defined spacing, etc.) will come with it so you can create new lists in the second document.

In the attached document, in the Sidebar under Styles > List styles (5th icon from left at top of pane), there is Numbering 123 Wide list style. Create a list, but without numbering and then double-click that style to apply it to your list.
OrderedListWideTabs_107260.odt (9.0 KB)

But you (1) didn’t describe a problem (the title only asks to provide you a kind of “tutorial on everything”), and (2) didn’t provide a reference to the answer that didn’t help.

The question need to also describe actions (steps) that you tried (like “I attempted setting this option to that; also I did this, and that; the problems I saw were …”).

And when you clarify your question, please edit the question itself, not add something as a comment. Having to read possibly multiple comments in hope of seeing something allowing to understand the case is simply not working.

I assume your question boils down to changing alignment of item number in a list. By default, the list you get with the toolbar button defines an indented reference position for the number and insert the number here. The item numbers are therefore left-aligned on this reference position. Or in other words, the most significant digits are all vertically aligned, with the number expanding at right

You request a recipe to align the least significant digit (or it separator, like a dot) with the number expanding at left.

Ideally, this can be done by configuring a list style (as explained by @EarnestAl , this allows easy reuse). You can also do it with Format>Bullets & Numbering but it must be repeated on every list (or nearly). The settings are in the Position tab of the configurtion dialogs:

  • Format>Bullets & Numbering for direct formatted lists
  • right-click on list style name in the style side pane (accessed through F11 – unless you’re under MacOS Format>Manage Styles) and Modify

The available settings (can be set separately by level or globally) are:

  • Aligned at: defines the “reference position” for the number
  • Alignment: this is the setting you’re interested in
    • Left (default): the reference lies at left of number; the number extends rightward from there
    • Right: the reference lies at right of number; the number extends leftward from there
    • *Centered": you guess what; better fit for bullets (personal opinion)
      Pay attention to the difference in expansion direction. You can’t simply change Alignment without modifying Aligned at because the number is not positioned at the same location.
  • Tab stop at and Indent at: for best aesthetic result, set both to the same distance

When asling here, always mention OS name, accurate LO version and save format because there are subtle differences between platforms and releases. Be also aware that most recipes are valid only for .odt. Conversion to alien formats causes loss of information, notably here because list styles do not exist in other formats.