[Obsolete] How can I change my password on this forum?

I was recently informed that the password I use on this forum has been compromised. (I used it a few other places, too – yes, that’s a bad practice.)

I cannot for the life of me find any place to change my password here.

Removed tag common

Click on your user name, which will take you to your user profile. Make sure the “overview” tab is “active” (it will be yellow instead of green). Above your user info (“email”, “member since”, “last seen”, etc.), you will see a link manage login methods.

Click that, and you should see a place to set your password.

That worked perfectly. Not sure how I missed it. Thank you.

In summary, to change your password on your https://ask.libreoffice.org account:

  1. Around the top center of any page, click on your username link
  2. Use the “Create a password for AskLibO” form to change your password. Done.

Below is the same correct answer as David, but with screenshots & details for newcomers to ask.libreoffice.org

Seven steps:

  1. Go to https://ask.libreoffice.org

  2. If not already done, log-in using your present AskLibO user name & password

  3. Around the top of any page, click on your username link.

    The number 1 in this screenshot show this link.

  4. The “profile - overview” page will open.
    Under the “overview” horizontal tab, click on “manage login methods” link.

    The numbers 2 & 3 in this screenshot show this.

  5. The “If you wish, please add, remove or re-validate your login methods” page will open.

    Under “Create a password for AskLibO”, using the “New password” field, enter your new password.

    Using the “Please, retype” field, re-enter your new password.

    Optionally, for those interested to protect both their “ask.libreoffice.org” account & privacy with a strong password, the AskLibO password maximum length is presently 128 characters.

  6. Click on the “Create password” button.

    The numbers 4, 5, and 6 in this screenshot show those two fields & the button.

  7. On the right side of “Create a password for AskLibO”, this confirmation message will be display for 2 seconds “…saved, thanks

  8. Done. You have successfully changed your password on your https://ask.libreoffice.org account. Enjoy :slight_smile:

These directions from 2020 no longer seem to work. Too bad because there were awesome screenshots. It’s nearly 2023 and I’m wondering how to change the password for my LibreOffice forum account, and I can’t find a current answer.


These instructions were effectively valid for the former AskBot engine and no longer work with the Discourse engine and the SSO (single sign-on) feature enables all over TDF sites. I’ll open a new Q&A to give the procedure.

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New steps to change your password

Thanks to @Hrbrgr for this :slight_smile:

Related new steps to change your email

Thanks to @ajlittoz for this :slight_smile:

For those wondering, the steps in my previous comment above are now outdated. Because since then, https://ask.libreoffice.org (AskLO) migrated from Askbot to Discourse software. For the password, the new AskLo’s Discourse uses the awesome single sign on (SSO) powered by LemonLDAP::NG. Which is fully open source. Thus, much stronger security :slight_smile:

When choosing a new password, I would like to offer some advice and a tool.

The experts who I listen to say that you now want a password with at least 70 bits of entropy (more about this below). This is to protect against brute force attacks to crack your password.

I built the MightyTiny Password Generator, a simple, free, and secure, javascript based password tool that anyone can run on their computer in their web browser to generate a variety of password formats, and of a specified bit entropy size. In other words the strength of the passwords generated are sure to meet minimum standards of strength that you specify. The default is 70 bits.

MightyTiny Password Generator features:

1) It’s simple, free and open source. Actually the code is simple enough (only 110 lines of code) for many to see exactly what it does.

2) It runs on any computer or smart phone, that is where you can open a html file with your web browser. (i.e. with file:///).

3) It runs only on your computer, and by design it does not ever touch the internet in any way. For better security: no downloads, no uploads, no AJAX.

Note that atoponce also has more graphically nice password generators, but because I can easily verify what MightyTiny’s code is doing I trust it more. But as you will see, it’s just a really simple html text form user interface with a very robust password generator inside.

Hope this helps a few of you stay more secure. Also you might want to use a password manager, but I prefer to not go that route. Paper and pencil are safer I think.

Also as you have already suggested, you want to be using a different password everywhere you go!

As cracking hardware is expected to get more powerful with time, 70 bits is what is considered enough to protect you both now and into the reasonable future. Your current encrypted data can be saved by a hacker still encrypted, and then in the future when crackers are more powerful it can be opened, so password strength is set not for today’s cracking, but for expected future cracking.) MightyTiny is designed to allow you to specify more or less than the default 70 bits of entropy. For example, perhaps you just want to play it really safe and so you might want to choose to use passwords with 100 bits of entropy.

My code was derived from original work by atoponce who is somewhat of an expert in this matter. BTW, atonponce later backported my code to his webpassgen, so you have two source options:

  • My version has over 100 additional lines with comments to help you install and understand it. It’s formatted for a modern text editor that will allow wide lines. To view or edit either use github or set your standard tab width to 4 characters (not the default of 8 which was great for old fashioned teletypes, but makes no sense for modern computer screens).

  • atonponce’s back-ported version is virtually identical, but only a few comments for those who prefer comment free code. Also he adjusted the CSS slightly which I don’t think works quite as well as what I had, but perhaps your experience will be better with it.