Thanks for your reply, robleyd…yes I saw it, and here’s a “short” summary of what I’ve tried/headaches and where I am now: I didn’t/don’t see any Styles and Formatting icon, and I moused over everything, especially in what looked like the Formatting area. Under View-Toolbars, there’s Formatting(Styles), which I checked but I couldn’t find anything that led to a “Styles and Formatting window to open” …. the Help menu had similar dead ends for me, which would take pages to describe; it’s inexplicable that there’s not a simple 1 or 2 step process for getting to a menu that gets this done. My doc is an existing document formatted in a particular way (it has existing header and footer), in which I’m writing my own text, so I can’t Create a new doc, which is the first step in the instructions, but I’ve tried creating a new doc as a test, which had a different roadblock. I did double click on a page num in my existing header (pagenums are in header, not in footer), and a Edit Fields menu came up that looked promising, with an Offset box . I tried an offset of -1 and the first page was numbered zero, then 123 for succeeding pages, which was an acceptable solution. I saved the doc, but when I reopened it, the first page started with 1 again, which seems to be a definite bug. I redid the -1 offset and exported as pdf, and the nums start with zero on the pdf, which is what I’m happy with at this point. I could just check/redo the page numbs each time before saving as a pdf, but that could complicate things for me over time if I forget. I downloaded the PageNumExample.odt file, and that led me to selecting text on a page, then format, paragraph/textflow and that menu (which I’ve seen before) that has a Page number box with selector arrows for changing it (which I’d never noticed before), which seemed promising. But when I did the same thing on my doc, the Page number box was greyed out and not changeable. I also created a dummy 2-page doc, and the box was also greyed out. My current hope/question is if I can un-grey the Pagenumber box on textflow, I’m hoping that might finally, really solve this. I’m guessing there’s some lock/enable box somewhere for Pagenumber on textflow menu?? Not that I hold MSFT as a standard for much (though Excel is great and Word is good), I recall that beginning page numbers on a particular page is a simple box entry on the menu where you choose number-style, which does make this LO office “process” a relative nightmare. The Offset option on the Edit menu here, with the 1st page numbered zero, is good enough at this point (and is the logical place to put an actual BeginNumberingOnPage N box), and I’ll live with the bug on reopen if I can’t get an actual solution here…thx again, robleyd