biblio_labels_frames.odt (16.9 KB)
biblio_labels_table.odt (12.6 KB)
The attached two documents are label sheets filled with data from the Bibliography database shipped with your office suite. I assume that you can test these documents with real database content without changing anything.
biblio_labels_frames.odt has been created with menu:File>New>Labels… It has one editable frame and 7 linked ones. After editing the first one, you click [Synchronize Labels] in order to update the other 7.
Toggle menu:View>Field Names [Ctrl+F9] in order to see the long field names including the final one reading [Next record: Bibliography.biblio]. My biblio table contains 20 records which gives 2 1/2 sheets of 8 labels per sheet. Print, confirm serial print, choose “File” instead of “Printer” and specify the output file. Open the output file.
biblio_labels_table.odt is a manually created quick mockup based on a text table like the ones that can be downloaded from various sites. The table has 3 columns including one spacer in the middle and 7 rows including 3 spacers between the 4 label rows. I copied the label contents from the first label of the other file 8 times into the label cells of the table.
I left one error in that table intentionally. Print, confirm serial print, choose “File” instead of “Printer” and specify the output file. The output will miss labels #9 and #18 leaving only 2 instead of 4 labels on the 3rd sheet. This is because in this setup the page breaks induce an extra jump to the next record in addition to the [Next record] field of in last table cell. You get rid of this problem by deleting the [Next record] field from the last label.