Reading visio file, change the circular component


When opening a visio file, I read the content, but the circle component is change to rectangular. Therefore, my image is changed. Is there a way to read visio without modifying my image?


EDIT from @Hrbrgr
@apacheco23 : As suggested by @Hrbrgr and @Grantler I already open a ticket on Bugzilla.
The number is


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Can you please upload your file here so someone can look at it? Thank you.

I tried to attached the file, but .vsdx file are not authorised to share. So, I create a link visio_example

Change vsdx to ODT then you can upload here. Thank you.
Specify that ODT must be changed to vsdx after the download

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When I open the visio document, I can just save it as ODF (.odg) as it is a graphic.
Test_TAM_libreoffice_2.otg (15.4 KB)

However, when I open the document I can already see that the circular components are rectangular.

I’m very sorry, I seem to be off the mark with my communication more often than not.

What should I do with the OTG now?

I see now what I already see in the screenshot of you.

It would be really nice if you could upload the original file. Thank you.

If you find all this too cumbersome, you can also file a bug directly on Bugzilla.

It seems to be a conversion problem. The rounded rectangle and the text are somehow grouped twice and the rounded corners have been transformed into rectangled corners.
As a work around you could de-group all these rounded corner stuff and set the rounded rectangle from the auto forms instead. It’s a bit cumbersome, yes.
You could write to bugzilla and tell your bug detection, hopefully any of the developers can work on it…

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I loaded the file in onedrive, please let me know if you can read it Link_to_original_visio

As @Grantler already mentioned, the objects are grouped several times.

Short term workaround.
Open the file in Draw.
Select the gray rectangles, then the green ones and select “Ungroup” to ungroup them.
You can now swap the green rectangles for drawing objects with round corners.
Do the same with the other green and the white rectangle.

77610 HB Test_TAM

77610 HB Test_TAM.odg (20,1 KB)

See also this Tutorial on YouTube:

77610 AskLO Visio file customize in Draw

Please provide feedback if this way is an option for you. Thank you.

In any case, please report the problem as a bug. Thanks.

Thank you for answer, in fact editing is not the problem. What I wanted to do is to use Libreoffice apis to convert from Visio to png or pdf (I have a linux machine), but when I export the file (without editing) to pdf or png format, I had the problem with this rectangular (circular corners) components. I have several files to convert, without editing.

You can export from LibreOffice directly to PDF.
Open the file.
Menu File>Export As>Export As PDF....
( 77610 HB Test_TAM.odt (68,6 KB) ; change ODT to PDF )


select everything in the file (Edit>Select All menu, Ctrl+A).
Menu File>Export...
in the dialog make a check mark at “Selection”, and
select png for “File type” and OK.

Draw has no concept of rounded corner rectangle.

I have no idea about visio file format. I guess that the importer sees a “container” and translates this to the nearest equivalent which is a rectangle.

The problem doesn’t occur with circles or ellipses because the same primitive exists in Draw.


Draw has rounded corner rectangles, but I think the shape is not “basic” and probably generated with the help of internal macros.

This means you must recreate the containers manually, copy & paste text inside it and tune the corner radius with the control (a black thick dot) appearing on the border when shape is selected.

This is not user-friendly, but if you insist on rounded-corner rectangles …

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Thank you for your answer, do you know if there is a solution?

The shapes are converted to Polygon 4 corners, it should probably be Bezier curve.
I think you will need to post a bug report, comment the number back here. How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki Cheers, Al

Thank you for your answer and adding more information to this issue. As suggested by @Hrbrgr and @Grantler I already open a ticket on Bugzilla. The number is tdf#149122.