[SOLVED] How to downgrade libreoffice to very stable version

I’m sick of the terrible latest version 6.x libreoffice.
I don’t know why they ruined Libreoffice like that.

Anyway I found out how to downgrade for Fedora and Archlinux respectively.


$ sudo dnf remove libreoffice*;
$ sudo dnf clean all;
download: <<libreoffice_5.4.7.2_linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz>>
$ tar xvzf LibreOffice_5.4.7.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz;
$ cd LibreOffice_5.4.7.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPM;
$ sudo rpm -i *.rpm;


$ sudo pacman -R libreoffice-still;
$ sudo pacman -c;
$ sudo pacman -U libreoffice-still-5.4.7-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz;

Done! If u don’t mind losing your precious work, keep using a shit Libreoffice 6.x.

We love shit statements that complain without explaining what even might be wrong. I guess you have(n’t) filed any reproducible bug report of what you didn’t say fails?

@erAck: I don’t believe that asking a troll who started straight from conspiracy back in June, then found (?) a few copy-paste related bugs (I put the “?”, because there was no reaction when she/he was asked to file bug reports, so no one could actually do anything about that), then invented some more conspiracy… I suppose that it’s better get rid of toxic people.