Strange results in "match" formula in Calc

I have got strange results in complex formula with “match” which I can not understand.

Please see columns “C” and “D” on sheet “Results”.
TestMatchingCalc.ods (34.9 KB)

P.S. Particularly, I can’t understand why “match” cannot match cells and sets “N/A” and “28”…

We don’t know which would be the result you are looking for, so we don’t know what is “wrong”.

As a hunch, I would suggest using zero (0) as the third argument for the match() function (which is currently omitted) in both columns, C and D, on every row.

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2024-09-27   14 57 20


Despite the fact that @PKG already gave the crucial hint, I attach a .ods file made from the OQ’s example.
There were some additional observations that I wanted to comment on.
disask111446_TestMatchingCalcRE.ods (53.2 KB)


Thank you very much, guys, for your reply!

Especially, Lupp, you did work which I would.

Definitely, yes, KISS principle works perfect as usual in particularly all soft aspects…

Wish good luck, thank you for help!