Why no Base in my LibreOffice on Ubuntu? & How to correct?

Hello Everybody.
I have Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, equipped with LibreOffice & very thankful for it.

Now I need to make up a database. And find there’s NO LibreOffice Base in it.

Why is that?
How can I correct it?
Installing anything on a Linux system has proved incredibly difficult & complicated. In fact I’ve never succeeded at installing anything yet.

Is this going to require studying pages & pages of coding ?

Thanks a million.

Ubuntu doesn’t install Base by default, because there are dependencies for Java. So you have to look in the software installer of Ubuntu for LibreOffice Base. I don’t know the commands Ubuntu user will need on konsole - have installed OpenSUSE Linux.

Note: If you need reports in Base it will be better to install the whole LibreOffice direct from Libre Office download. Report Builder didn’t execute reports for a longer time with packages provided by Ubuntu (and also packages provided by OpenSUSE). This problem doesn’t exist in packages directly from LO

sudo apt install libreoffice-base

Is from this thread:

Heh, that’s why the option to not install parts of the suite was removed on Windows

Wow totally awesome of you to get back to me with this really helpful info.

“… doesn’t execute reports for a longer time…” Not sure of the meaning there. By ‘execute reports’ do you mean being able to pull data out of the base via keyword? (Which is, I guess, one of the core reasons for having a base to begin with.)
“…a longer time…” Do you mean the process is slow? Or you have to wait days or weeks before the base can generate a list?

Thanks a million,

@Molly : I haven’t tested it with a current version of LO, but reports didn’t work since many years. So it isn’t slow, it doesn’t work at all.
Reports: Getting a designed view on data for printout.

Here is an arbitrary database document with an embedded Firebird database, some forms and a most simple report that loads in no time. PowerFilter.FB.odb (50.8 KB)
The form “Filter Data” sets the filter that applies to the report as well.
Remove all filter criteria from the form and the report will include 1000 records on 46 pages, still loading imediately.