Writing in the margins in Writer

Hello everyone,

How do I create in Writer margins like the ones in the screenshot? I need to be able to write in them, and maybe to add some simple illustrations. I also need visible vertical lines that clearly mark them. I hope you can help.

Thank you very much,

If you absolutely want to do it with Writer:

The page margins are defined in the page templates (in the sidebar).
The example below refers to a right-hand page.
As the margins are offset very differently, I would not recommend using a table,
but work with frames in the margins.

I think your requirements will be better met with a DTP programme.

105738 HB Test.odt (75,5 KB)

Re-open your question (don’t use a comment) to add OS name, LO version and save format.

The vertical line issue is easy to solve with partial border in page style. However I don’t guarantee exact layout with horizontal border under heading.

Margins are no-print zones in Writer. The only way to add data into them goes through frames. The main problem here is to design appropriately a frame style which will take care automatically of possible overlap between different frames (if you try to position manually these frames, considering their number, this will turn into a nightmare; consequently the process must be handled automatically by Writer). The base question is how text inside these various frames relate to text. You can consider these are kind of margin notes (as opposed to footnotes). They have an anchor point (where you’d find an anchor or number identifying the note). To make the anchor invisible, the number can be replaced by a space character. In addition, a character style applied to the anchor can force font size to 2pt (the absolute minimum in Writer) so that the anchor occupies a hardly noticeable width.

Margin text or illustrations are technically the same: they can use the same frame style. But for finer grained control, it is probably preferable to design two styles with the same general properties.

Line numbering as implemented in Writer is not the same as in your screenshot. Writer line numbering restarts at one at top of every page. Also there is a single line numbering. You cannot override this numbering to replace it with another one (the Roman numbers which seem rather to indicate sub-part or “outline” progression). This Roman numbering marking the parts of the lesson can be done more or less with list numbering (or heading numbering) and will display in a dirrent area than line numbering.

Add a more formal specification of your goal. As soon as I get my hands on my main computer I’ll attach a sample of a similar document. Be aware this layout is advanced usage and you better be used to style manipulation and configuration, notably frames styles which is rather unstable and most difficult to tame. Over all, any direct formatting will completely ruin your chances of success.


ComplexLayoutExample.odt (43.7 KB)
is an example of margin notes. It is more complex than your request because notes need also to be numbered by the verse number.


I found fun in the question and it reminded me of my classes (when I was young … quite a long time ago). So, I tried to design something as close as possible to the screenshot.

Here are the challenges:

  • Line numbering and “lesson sub-part” conflict
    In the example, “lesson sub-part” (Roman number) take precedence over line numbering and replaces it. This is not possible in Writer. Line numbers are “external” to text and quite independent. If “lesson sub-part” is added (with a list style), it will mix with line number. Both are displayed in the same location.
    • Fix: line number position is offset towards the center of the inner margin to leave room near text for “lesson sub-part”.
    • Suggestion: as you can’t reset line numbers at will, I recommend line numbers to restart at 1 on every page to avoid large numbers which may overflow available space in the margin.
  • “Lesson sub-part” can’t automatically alternate in inner margins
    My implementation is to use list style Numbering IVX. Therefore the item number is always at left. I tricked Writer to force the number in the margin. It is dirty but it works (use of blank “separators” with a specific alignment).
  • No use of drawing objects
    Since drawing objects always cause difficult tuning problems, I tried not to use them for line decorations. Unfortunately it does not give the same look as the example. If you want strict equality, attach the drawing objects to the header. But be aware that they can’t be controlled by styles and they’ll have to be formatted/positioned “manually” (preferentially through the properties dialog, not the mouse otherwise you’ll create havoc).
    I was also compelled to use Left Page and Right Page styles because border definition does not alternate in Mirrored configuration (affects apparently only margins).
  • Marginal notes
    These notes are typed inside frames. Basic style is Marginalia. Be very careful not to apply any direct formatting, even with the mouse, lest all automatic repositioning is disabled. Style was very tricky to tune.
    Unfortunately, frame position cannot be specified as inner or outer margin.
    • Fix: definition of a “symmetrical” style Marginalia Left for the left margin.
    • Inconvenience: you must manually choose which style to apply. In case of edits, with text flowing to next page, you must manually re-apply the newly-correct style.
      (EDIT 3) @EarnestAl drew my attention on Mirror on even pages check box I completely ignored. I modified Marginalia frame style and update the attached file. Now a single style does the job on both pages.
  • Page number, chapter number
    As I tried to minimise the use of frames (always a good idea, performance-wise), the header is limited to the area between margins. It is not flushed near the edge of the paper like in the example.
    If you consider this is more reader-friendly, anchor a text frame in the header and footer (like @EarnestAl did) and insert the ad-hoc field inside.

Updated AskLO-LatinClassBook.odt (33.7 KB)


One addition: When you use the “Position and Size”-dialog to put the frame into “Right of page text area”, then always use the dialog to adjust the position. If you drag the frame with the mouse, then position will automatically go back to the default “Entire paragraph area” and then the automatic switch from the right margin on odd pages to the left margin on even pages will no longer work.

And another one: There is the frame style “Marginalia”. That one should be used for frames in margins. Of cause you need to adapt it to your needs, same as with other predefined styles.


@Hrbrgr I took the liberty of modifying your example to make it more exactly fit the image and to use @Regina’s proposal of using the Marginalia frame style. The borders need a workaround of using drawing lines but once done they are persistent, stable and automatic.
105738 HB TestEA.odt (80.6 KB)

Note that if the marginalia frame gets distorted somehow, simply double click another frame style and then double-click Marginalia to apply the style again.

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Thank you very much. Do you have any specific DPT software in mind to fit these specific needs? My experience with such things is ZERO. I even had to Google DPT to see what it was…

The acronym is DTP (for DeskTop Publishing), not DPT.

You can start with Scribus which is FOSS (free and open source). Is is quite easy to learn (if you understand the difference between flow-oriented document processors like Word or Writer and page-oriented DTP programs).

[Here is the repost. I am deeply sorry for posting my comment without abiding with the site rules.]
Margin experiments - EMPTY.odt (30.4 KB)

Some updates. I have been experimenting with Writer. See the attachment. I am rather happy for now, I just don’t know how to add the vertical line to mark the outside margin. In the margin options in Format > Page Styles, you can only mark either both margins of the page or just the left one. Isn’t there any option to mark the outside (mirrored) margins only?


Your attachment shows poor formatting skill. Your frames are manually formatted instead of applying a well-crafted frame style. See the attachment in my comment above.

There is presently no way to specify an outer border because the Mirrored option only applies to margins. Therefore, you must use linked alternating page styles to be able to set separately your side border. Try built-in Left Page and Right Page which automatically alternate. Study my attachment.

I have been trying to imitate your Latin attachment… I modified the page style, right/left, or at least I tried. I have also set up vertical lines for both outside margins, but they do NOT appear. So I must have made a mistake. Under Styles > Frames > Margin Notes I also tried to set up the frames, but I ve not tried to use them yet. I am not sure if it was the right place to do it.

I’m going to challenge your patience again by asking you to have a look at my formatting. Please tell me what is wrong.

Thank you.
Margin experiments - 2.odt (30.6 KB)

I don’t see any border in your version 2 attachment. There is a single Default Page Style customised for Mirrored layout (and margins alternate as expected). This may not be the intended sample.

If it is representative of your real document, using Default Paragraph Style is faulty: this paragraph style is supposed to define document-wide default settings such as preferred font face and size, default spacing above and below, default left and right indents, … The “standard” style for main topic is Body Text.

Just out of curiosity, what is the language? It looks like a member of the Gaelic group. You could record the language in Default Paragraph Style. It will extend to all other styles and avoid false spellcheck warnings (even if no dictionary is installed).

Sorry for the late reply, I was away. The language is Old Irish. This is a sample lesson of a textbook I have in mind that teaches Old Irish as a living language. It will be a chapter of my PhD thesis, here at Maynooth University (Ireland).

As for the vertical lines of the borders, in version 2 they are set up (Personalized) under ‘Page Style’ > Right Page (right border), and Left Page (left border). But they still don’t appear… I really don’t know what to do.

Attach a sample file or send it to me through private message if you think it is confidential. Private channel is initialised by clicking on my name to pop up a dialog, then press Message.