(Reading the question like "Would it pay to learn…?)
The subject is talking of “Visual BASIC” while the body of the question is talking of the “BASIC language in LibreOffice”.
That’s very different.
As far as I understand, programming for document automation in MS Office requires the appropriate VBA variant which is a kind of API for the respective application like Word
or Excel
in addition to its features as a programming language of the Basic family.
You can’t do much of real use with LibreOffice using Basic allone. You need to use the (uno-) API of LibreOffice in most cases, which is rather powerful, but far from being perfect. At least it’s all but simple, or easy to learn. The documentation is a matter of its own, and there seems not to be a single tutorial teaching it straight forward. The best source for beginners I know of comes as two texts (the “book” and the “useful information”) by Andrew Pitonyak both featuring the “OOo Basic”, but explaining mainly the API usage beyond the few things being specific to Basic.
Basic as a tool coming with LibO is rather poor concerning its language elements and its toolbox of predefined functions and routines. It has a useful, but limited IDE. However, it has a short and wide bridge to the API, and can therefore be used as a kind of reference language for some ifs and hows in programming for LibO.
There are also bridges from/to different languages like (Java, Python e.g.) about I don’t know much.
Personally I prefer to design the text templates and spreadsheets I actually use without relying on user programming. The many cases where I also wrote special code mainly aimed on understanding, learnig to know what works and what doesn’t, trying to help users asking for solution to very special tasks. In short: Much of this part was playful or doubtable anyway in a sense.
Very few pieces of my own code I use to tweak the UI the way I like it.
Was this useful? Iwould doubt.