Chart with 3 column


I have a spreadsheet with 3 column and I want the data of my second column (date column) to be the horizontal axis of my chart and the data of the first column (count column) to be the vertical axis of my chart and the data of the third column (working hours) to be displayed in a bar chart.
I have tried to express my meaning more clearly with the picture below.
I don’t know how to do this.
Would you please help me?
I attached my samp,e file.


Put the date in first column, hours in the second, click the chart icon on the main toolbar and the rest works automagically.
t85478.ods (37.0 KB)

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Sorry. This doesn’t make sense to me. What kind of information should actually be visualized by that diagram? What is the concept behind the COUNT column and its entries. What (logical/conceptual) relation is there between 'WORKING HOURS" and “COUNT”?
The marks for the y-axis need to cover a range of values that may occur as values in one of the series. Your sketch doesn’t give me any clue for what reason a value of always about 10 should be displayed in so many different ways.

@Villeroy’s suggestions also didn’t give me any clue.

If you put the date column before the hours column, a bar chart is generated with 2 clicks. With the hours before the dates you have to fiddle with that awful dialog.

I haven’t any problem to create a chart, whether with a bit more or a bit less help by the wizard.
My problems were as I described them in my comment above.
Your attempted solution added the problem to that for what reason you thought you should simply ignore the COUNT columnn and the freehand sketch of the questioner.

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Thank you, but you ignored COUNT columnn in your sample file!

EDIT: No solution: /EDIT
WORKING HOURS_LeroyG.ods (22.7 KB)
I worked with an XY (Scatter) chart. No columns, but icons and labels.

You still didn’t reply to the questions contained n my first comment.

A pretty wild guess: you have some sort of workforce, and each person can work up to 13 hours on any given day. (0 h certainly happens, too).
Now you want to show for each day in an overview how many persons have worked one of the working times rounded to hours on this day.
In other words: You want a little histogram for each day, which counts the persons according to the number of hours they have worked on this day.

If so: WHY? And: Omit the idea as too complicated and not leading to an actually informative graphic.
A chart looking like your sketch with columns contained in other columns you can’t get anyway. Every day would be presented as a group of columns or (probably) as a stacked column of little value.

If you insist and hope to get a useful answer by somebody, you will need to provide a somehow realistic example of raw data. What you already supplied won’t help.

BTW There are already much too many useless graphics in the world, many of them emphasizing the tools they were made with instead of delivering clear information.

Once again: Did you (@LeroyG) understand the actual intentions of the questioner?
I can’t imagine any useful information I might read from that new diagram.

Count what?

Ops! Sorry. My intention was to show the worked hours as label.
Trying it a bit more.

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Why not a bubble type chart?
WORKING HOURS_LeroyG_bubble.ods (23.6 KB)

Exactly that is the main question the primary poster didn’t answer. In addition I don’t clearly understand how the partly including columns shown in the diagram area of the freehand sketch should be understood. (Well they are numbers of working hours, but such numbers don’t give any information without the context. Diagrams should communicate that context by visual means: Draw/think parallels to the axes, and combine what you found in the area with the pair of axis-markings you get this way.)
Since I failed with this, I tried a “wild guess”. See above. Or let it be. I also wouldn’t expet to get something sensible this way.