Deleting the first line in an Impress text box with bullet points

This is a super minor annoyance, but I can’t seem to figure out how to delete the very first line in a text box in Impress, such that the immediate first line is a bullet list I’d like to have. Here’s an example:

That gap above the “They’re simple” is a non-bulleted line of text that I can’t seem to remove. If I try to delete it by deleting from behind “They’re,” then that line of text gets taken out of the bullet list, and there’s no clear way on how to get it back into that list with the same formatting. Because this is taken from a template, simply pressing the bullet list option in the Home tab puts it in a differently-styled bullet list. This is particularly frustrating because it means the size of the text box is different from the text itself, making manipulating it on the page, or perhaps manipulating other elements nearby, a bit of a nuisance.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

System Info:

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.5
LO: Flatpak
File format: Both PPTX and ODP displays this “issue” (likely not an issue, just a setting I’m not sure how to configure!)

please enter the operating system and LibreOffice version you are using.

And tell us which file format you are saving in.

You may be able to upload a sample file containing the problem here.
However, make sure that no personal data is included.

Can’t believe I forgot to include that info! :sweat_smile: I’ve gone ahead and edited my original post. However, the issue isn’t in saving files or in the outputs, but rather in the editing process; any slideshow with a text box doesn’t allow me to delete that first line. Thus, I’m not super sure that providing a file would be all that elucidating.

then, here’s a solution :

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Thanks for the response! My question is on precisely how to get from what I have, with the dangling empty line at the middle, to precisely what you have, where the first line is the first bullet. How do I accomplish that? What do I need to delete/select/etc.?

who knows, since we have no clue what you have :innocent:

so, definitely a good start would be to follow the previous polite upload request :

I guess the simplest way is to select the next line down, click the Clone Formatting brush and click the top line to apply the same formatting. Then delete. Or delete and then apply the formatting

BigRedBullets118430.odp (14.7 KB)

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who knows, since we have no clue what you have :innocent:
so, definitely a good start would be to follow the previous polite upload request :

As mentioned in my original reply to Hrbrgr three days ago, this information has already been added to my original post! It seems you didn’t see that reply, so I’ll re-post my system information for clarity:

System Info:

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.5
LO: Flatpak
File format: Both PPTX and ODP display this “issue” (likely not an issue, just a setting I’m not sure how to configure!)

This worked like a charm! :star_struck: Though, I would definitely hope that this process be made a little easier; that is, being able to delete an empty first line.

Thank you so much!