I want to make a CV with 2 columns. The right column is for my experience, the left column is for all the other info (like personalia etc). The left column has a special background color.
By default text flows from the 1st column on the 1st page, to the 2nd column on the first page,
I want the flow to go from the 1st column on 1st page, to 1st column on next page, and text from 2nd column flows to 2nd column on next page.
How can I do this?
(I’ve tried frames, but when I want t change the width or another layout property of the columns, I manually have to sync the changes to all the other pages.
I’ve also tried tables, but they leave white line at the bottom of the page.
So 2 column lay-out and a rectangle shape for background color seems like the least worst option. …if I can solve this text flow issue…)