Insert images under each other


I would like to get the same behaviour (by default), which is in Office Word. My goal is inserting images in Writer under each other and If I remove the first one, the order will be remained!

Actually, my problem is also that the second inserted image is placed over the first one…

Could you someone how to achive this?

By default, images are inserted with the same position parameters and Allow overlap option enabled.

You can remedy the situation manually:

  1. Open the *Navigator sidepane (either F5 or click on the compass icon in the right window border)

  2. Expand the Images section if not already done

  3. Right-click on an image name and Image>Edit

    I highly suggest you also Image>Rename to give it a better suggestive name than Image99, all the more if you have many images.

  4. Go to the Wrap tab and uncheck Allow overlap

Repeat for each image.

A better solution is to customise built-in Graphics frame style or to create your own frame style (eventually derived from Graphics so that changes applied to Graphics are also inherited by your custom style). Graphics frame style is the default style applied by Writer when you insert images until you apply another one.

  1. Open the style sidepane (F11 except on MacOS or Styles>Manage Styles)
  2. Click on the third icon from the left in the toolbar to display frame styles
  3. Right-click on Graphics and Modify
  4. Go to Wrap tab and uncheck Allow overlap
  5. OK

Note that it is sometimes difficult to get the changes immediately effective on existing images.

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(EDIT 2020-10-26: fix a mistake on icon position in the toolbar)

I accept your answer, because it’s fit to my question. However I don’t understand why Libreoffice works in that “ugly” way. Maybe my usage isn’t the typical case how users want to use it. I can believe it.

Although I tried to use the second “better” solution. I needed to modify the settings under third (not the fourth, but maybe it comes from a different version. I use the latest stable 7.0.2) icon from the left.

After it I could copy and paste images under each other. If I removed one from amongs them, the order will be remained. Thanks!

However when I pasted a new one, it pasted at the removed one’s position, not at the end of the document. It’s not important for me, so I can live with it.

I wrote my solution from memory. Thanks for pointing my mistake about frame icon position. I’ll fix my answer.

I agree that the choice to enable Allow overlap by default when this new option was introduced is bad. I wonder how many users really want their images above each other.

Pasting several images anchored To paragraph is perhaps beyond the initial intent of the feature. A frame is supposed to contain some margin note or illustration pertaining to a paragraph. A paragraph is supposed to elaborate about a single point. Therefore a single side “note” (frame, illustration, …) should be enough. There is no explicit user-controlled ordering of frames when there are several. All you can do is play with the position settings but this is not reliable when you add or suppress a frame.

Otherwise, you can anchor them As character and they will be ordered. BUT, they become part of paragraph text and may cause other problems.

Ah, unfortunately, It didn’t work enough well. Yeah some days was passed until I wanted to use this feature.

After I reached the end of the page by only pasting images, the last image was overlapped with margin and new page wasn’t created. If I pushed shift + enter it didn’t helped.

Maybe I was wrong in last comment, becuse probably at first time I modified the image’s Allow overlap property, not the frame’s one. The frame’s one doesn’t work now.

So I’m sad how Libreoffice works. When I’m pasting images to Word or Evernote I can do it as I described. In Libreoffice it’s so complicated…

I may give up to install Libreoffice next time. This should work by default I feel.

update: Or even in Google Docs.

A page break doesn’t occur if all your images/frames are anchored to the same paragraph. You didn’t describe thoroughly what you want to achieve. “Images under each other” is not enough. How are they related to paragraphs (which are the primary objects Writer knows of)?

I’ve made photo catalogs with thousands of pictures without problems (and nearly automatically). But first you must think of an abstract definition and the specification/procedure come by itself.

LO is not that complicated but you must learn the basic principles. Yes, it is much more sophisticated than Word and allow much more complex document design. You pay that with the necessity to read the Writer Guide.

Yeah, maybe my question wasn’t well described.

Just for the clarification. Open a Google document and insert images one by one with pressing ctrl + v. You can see the images are created under each oder and if the page is full, a new page is created automatically. This is the default behaviour in Word, Evernote, Google doc. Now I can’t check in Onenote, but I believe there also.

Okay, Libreoffice don’t have to follow other products, but regarding my problem it’s not comfortable for me.

If you add an image in LO Writer, by default it is anchored To Paragraph.

If you want the same behavior as in MS Word when inserting images in LO Writer, you have to anchor your images with RightMouse > Anchor > As Character.

Then it should be possible to add one image after the other.

Your answer is also good, but applying for many images what I want to do, customizing Graphics frame style is more convinient as described in the other answer. Because that’s enough to do at the beginning of creating a new document, not one by one. Thanks you too!

Thanks, but I do not think “Repeat for each image” is reasonable for a document with many images, while uncheck Allow overlap in my experience did not fix the issue of placing images next to others.

I have gone to many pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 relating to the inability to easily place images where you want them, at least in a document of many pages, and have found no consistent easy solution - meaning consistently and quickly - for doing so as part of a writer ODT with numerous images, usually along with text.

The best overall solution that I have presently found for a document of many pages with images and text close to another is to use To paragraph as the default, with the position being the default Entire Paragraph, though this may result in an image being partly off the page right margin (all my page margins are 0.30) when attempting to place an image close to another image. Yet if you quickly drag that image to the left of the place want it then it may stick there - unless you move it again, for then it snaps back, usually partly outside the document border).

Otherwise, choosing “To character” and with the horizontal position being Character can enable placement where you want, though if try you move it will revert back to the default “To paragraph,” and not where you want it.

Please note that frame styles are extremely sensitive to direct formatting. “if you quickly drag that image to …” will immediately add direct formatting which is next to impossible to remove later. Direct formatting on frames/images is much worse than on text. It instantly breaks the styles. You must be very very careful if you expect a predictable and reliable position.