New Writer loads in Dark Mode

New version opened in dark mode, i switched it back to light mode, Screen is completely white, cant click on anything, Had to uninstall and reload old version.

You need to supply details, This is the guide - How to use the Ask site? - #3 by Hrbrgr

If you are on Mac, have modified the appearance and using 25.2 this might apply,
Bug 165203 - Background or margin colour in Writer and / or Impress
The workaround then is to apply a custom theme or reset user profile

Some residual issues with the new (at 25.2) Appearance color scheme framework. One is that the default ‘Automatic’ theme (Tools → Options → Appearance) is locked for customization (fixed already for 25.8). But it has a nasty impact that selecting either the Dark or Light radio buttons deselecting System can corrupt the defaults badly (also fixed for 25.8).

Two ways to work around with 25.2 (for any os/DE).

1.) On initial install/upgrade, install one of the offered Appearance theme “extensions”. Once one is installed you can change and use any of the others. But the default ‘Automatic’ theme is trash.

2.) Delete your user profile to reset default ‘Automatic’ theme behavior back to factory. It will respond to what your os/DE delivers as its color scheme. If your DE is in Light mode, the UI will follow those colors (a light document paper with dark text), or if in Dark mode the UI will follow that (a dark document paper with light text) Exact colors will follow what is set in os/DE.

Note: one can manually reset default Automatic with several per user LibreOffice profile registry edits, but less effort to just delete profile.

Handling the Appearance themes have already been improved on nightly builds of master against 25.8 release. Meanwhile, use the Appearance theme extensions, or avoid the Light/Dark radio buttons and allow to follow just the os/DE provided color theme.

Thanks, I can see what you are saying…BUT the Tools menu has no options:

My install was ‘plain, vanilla’.

The ‘dark mode’ I am seeing makes the test in cells pretty well totally unreadable. In general, I am happy with ‘dark mode’ for most apps, but this is plain odd.

As you are on macOS it is under the Preferences menu for LibreOffice

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