I am still new to calc and function syntax. I am trying to copy a row to a sheet based on a condition. I have followed the steps from this post which is copying everything which is a good start.
Calc: If a field contains data, copy the entire row to another worksheet
Now I just need to adjust the formula to only copy the row if a condition is met. I am getting stuck here.
=IFERROR(T1+MATCH(TRUE(),""<>OFFSET($Master.$A$1,T1,0,COUNTA($Master.A:A)-T1,1),0),"") i.e. how do I apply a condition to the formula?
In the linked file I need to copy from the Master sheet to another sheet if column c matches the sheet name.
I have set up the sheet Master & ActionBet with sample data to get help with this. If we could get actionbet sheet working i could then produce the same on all other sheets.
So if $Master.C:C = âActionBetâ copy row to $ActionBet , if $Master C:C = âBBetâ copy row to $Bbet etc etc
Many Thanks
Hopefully this upload will work
MySample.ods (22.8 KB)
edit Fake.ods removed by @karolus