Hello @durecu1300,
the following macro does basically the same as Lupp’s macro above, with some improvements in error checking and general usability. Also @likespike, please see if this works for you:
Function Batch_Replace( strCalcFilePath$, iSheetIndex%, strCellRange$, bUseRegularExpressions As Boolean, bCaseSensitive As Boolean, bWholeWords As Boolean ) As Long
REM Perform multiple Find/Replace operations within the current Office document, using a Calc spreadsheet that holds the terms to Find/Replace.
REM Tested once on small batch; This works on Writer documents and Calc documents ( active sheet only ).
REM <strCalcFilePath>: Full Path pointing to the spreadsheet file that contains the terms to Find/Replace.
REM <iSheetIndex>: 0-based index of the Sheet that contains the specified CellRange.
REM <strCellRange>: CellRange containing the terms to Find/Replace, must have at least 2 columns, e.g. "A1:B4999".
REM The 1st column of this range should contain the terms to Find, the 2nd column should contain the terms to Replace.
REM <bUseRegularExpressions>: Pass TRUE if the terms to Find/Replace should be treated as Regular Expressions.
REM <bCaseSensitive>: Pass TRUE if the terms to search are Case Sensitive.
REM <bWholeWords>: Pass TRUE if the terms to search must be whole words.
REM This function returns the total number of found/replaced occurrences.
REM Example call: Batch_Replace( "/home/user/Desktop/Find_Replace_List.ods", 0, "A1:B20", false, false, false )
Dim oFileAccess as Object
oFileAccess = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess" )
If Not oFileAccess.Exists( strCalcFilePath ) Then
Msgbox( "The specified file does not exist: '" & strCalcFilePath & "'.", 16, "macro:Batch_Replace()" )
Exit Function
End If
Dim aProps(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue REM Open the spreadsheet file invisibly.
aProps(0).Name = "Hidden"
aProps(0).Value = True
Dim oCalcDoc As Object
oCalcDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( ConvertToURL( strCalcFilePath ), "_blank", 0, aProps() )
If IsNull( oCalcDoc ) Then
Msgbox( "Could not open the specified file: '" & strCalcFilePath & "'.", 16, "macro:Batch_Replace()" )
Exit Function
End If
If Not oCalcDoc.supportsService( "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument" ) Then
Msgbox( "The specified document must be a SpreadsheetDocument: '" & strCalcFilePath & "'.", 16, "macro:Batch_Replace()" )
GoTo Exit_Function
End If
If iSheetIndex < 0 Or iSheetIndex > oCalcDoc.Sheets.getCount() - 1 Then
Msgbox( "Invalid Sheet index: " & iSheetIndex & ".", 16, "macro:Batch_Replace()" )
GoTo Exit_Function
End If
Dim oSheet As Object, oRange As Object, aData As Variant
oSheet = oCalcDoc.Sheets.getByIndex( iSheetIndex ) REM sheet containing the Find/Replace terms.
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName( strCellRange )
aData = oRange.getDataArray()
Dim oDoc As Object : oDoc = ThisComponent REM Assume oDoc = Writer document.
If oDoc.SupportsService( "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument" ) Then
oDoc = oDoc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet REM oDoc = Calc document.
End If
Dim oReplace as Object
oReplace = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplace.SearchRegularExpression = bUseRegularExpressions
oReplace.SearchCaseSensitive = bCaseSensitive
oReplace.SearchWords = bWholeWords
Dim i As Integer, nReplaced As Integer, aRow As Variant
If uBound( aData ) >= 0 And uBound( aData(0) ) > 0 Then REM Require at least 1 row and 2 columns.
For i = 0 To uBound( aData ) REM Traverse rows.
aRow = aData( i )
oReplace.setSearchString( aRow( 0 ) )
oReplace.setReplaceString( aRow( 1 ) )
nReplaced = nReplaced + oDoc.replaceAll( oReplace ) REM Perform a Find & Replace.
Next i
End If
Batch_Replace = nReplaced
If Not IsNull( oCalcDoc ) Then oCalcDoc.Close( True )
End Function