The easiest way to revert the startup screen to a “blank” screen (similar to LO 4.1) is as follows (Warning: this is a “hack” but it is easily reversible with no damage done. Also, it affects all users, since it changes an installation file):
(these instructions are based on Linux, but it should easily be applicable to Windows as well - only the file path conventions will differ)
Edit the file <INSTALLATION_PATH>/share/config/soffice.cfg/sfx/ui/startcenter.ui
(if you’re paranoid, keep a backup of the file).
Search for “all_recent” and you should find (from line 350) the following section:
<object class="sfxlo-RecentDocsView" id="all_recent">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="can_focus">True</property>
<property name="hexpand">True</property>
<property name="vexpand">True</property>
Make all the True values False as above to get:
<object class="sfxlo-RecentDocsView" id="all_recent">
<property name="visible">False</property>
<property name="can_focus">False</property>
<property name="hexpand">False</property>
<property name="vexpand">False</property>
Save the file and you’re done.
(note that the indenting may be different but that shouldn’t matter)
This made my LO 4.2 usable without the ugliness or the security issues of displaying the recently used documents. It also allows you to keep the recently used documents in the menu and that way get quick access to them as before.
I only hope that in the future this “feature” becomes an option configurable per user.