Remote Files and Google Drive Problems

Hello all,

Our Open Source hardware startup is switching over to LibreOffice from the alternatives. :wink:

I’ve installed LO onto my Linux, Windows and macOS laptops but I’m having some trouble adding Google Drive as a Remote File service.

When Adding a Service to Remote Files (i.e. Google Drive) do you need an App Password or the google account password?

How does LibreOffice handle 2FA for Remote File services?

I realise that this has been a known bug for some time with LO and Google Drive but I’m wondering if anybody has it working with LO 7.3.4.


The current awkward method to set up a Google Drive in LibreOffice 7.3 is:

  1. In Remote Files dialog, use Manage Services button to add a service.


  1. In the File Services dialog, choose Google Drive type, and only enter the user name (leave the password empty). In fact, you may use any string as the “name”, it’s not used in authentication, and is only used to create a distinguishable service.


  1. In the following password confirmation dialog, confirm that the password is empty, and press OK.
  2. Authentication Code dialog appears. Follow its suggestions. Namely, use the URL from the bottom edit box, and then paste the token that Google gives you into the top box in the dialog.


If you chose to save passwords, you would need then to enter a master password (unrelated to Google Drive, used in LibreOffice own password manager), which you will use later to access the stored passwords/access tokens.

Note that, as explained in tdf#101630 comment 82, the resulting service would only be able to show you the files on the Drive that were created by LibreOffice, subject to “drive.file scope”.

Unfortunately, the usual “application opens a browser window, authenticates you and stores the token automatically” isn’t implemented in LibreOffice.

Note also, that in order to use Google Drive, applications must use a “client id” with a secret that are obtained from Google. TDF builds have such an id; builds created by distros (like Debian/Ubuntu) need to obtain own ids; as of today, at least the two mentioned distros do not have such ids, and thus they can’t connect to Google Drive at all.


I hope @cloph could improve this answer.

Thanks for your reply. I have followed the steps but unfortunately it failed. I have created the service but an error “General input/output error” is prompted out when I try to access the service.

Still no luck to access Google Drive from LO.

I have checked the steps on my Windows 10 + LO They work. Maybe there’s some problem with other OS, or you made some mistake in the steps.

Or maybe you have older non-working items in the service list, and you see the errors from those ones, not from the newly added service?

Thank you very much for your assistance. You workaround did the trick for me on Windows 10 and macOS.

i have tried again and this time it works. not sure what the problem was as I have just repeated the steps.

Didn’t work for me, sadly.

I get a “general input/output error” and it doesn’t work.

Followed the steps three times and the same result, always.

Wondering why keep the GDrive connection in the software if it doesn’t really work.

Finally thanks to your explanations I was able to use google drive (LO BUT …

  1. I cannot see (and therefore use) the existing folder structure;
  2. I can’t see (and therefore use) the pre-existing LO files in the root folder
  3. if I delete the google drive service myname is not actually deleted because if I recreate it LO it remembers the previously entered key.
    Ultimately, the only thing I can do is create a new file and save it remotely (or export an existing one) in order to manage it properly.

Any solution?

Sorry This doesn’t work. The response is below
Access blocked: LibreOffice’s request is invalid
You can’t sign in because LibreOffice sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this error
If you are a developer of LibreOffice, see error details.
Error 400: invalid_request

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The same here.
Access blocked: LibreOffice’s request is invalid

You can’t sign in because LibreOffice sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this error
If you are a developer of LibreOffice, see error details.
Error 400: invalid_request

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