Uploads: Images vs example files / HowTo

This may be commented/answered like a question, and somebody may know relief concerning the help mentioned under “afterthought”. The subsequent text is, however, also something I want to be able to link to in the future.

Questioners have problems and tend to take inadvisable action.
Contributors try to help and to provide advice again and again.
Doing so while commenting on or answering specific questions they take a lot of time, but the next inexperienced questioner won’t know about the hints.
The subject of this thread addresses an (imo) serious recurring case:

  1. Use the icon with the arrow pointing upwards. Do not try to create attachments by pasting from your clipboard.
    This way you would get inserted badly formatted text or an image if you first created it by means of LibreOffice. Both cases not advisable!
  2. If you consciously decided an image was the means of choice, first export what you want to show to an image file (.jpg mostly) on your system and attach the file then.
  3. However, an image should only be attached if the question is about an issue of the view. (Generally the value of images is gravely overestimated nowadays.)
  4. Even in such a case it will mostly be much better to create and attach an afflicted example document as a file (See 5.). Since the local settings (user profile) of a contributor may not allow him to view the relevant effects directly, you may additionally insert your image into the example document.
  5. Example documents should be versions of the document you had the issue with, and showing it, but cleaned from confidential information/contents, and reduced in size as far as possible.
  6. Keep in mind that the contributors you want to help you generally are users like yourself, and surely not hired by you. Understand that you yourself must take the time needed to clearly explain your issue. Often even an experienced user can’t answer a question based on knowledge alone, He (f/m) will often need an example for experiments. Don’t expect her (m/f) to create the needed example document based on an image!

As far as I can see neither the meta thread “This is the guide…” nor the links to find there contain substantial information about uploads/attachments to be added to a post. In fact, I only found the keyword “upload” in one place, and there it was combined with the clearly unusual and irrelevant term “jump drive”.

I’m neither entitled nor interested in reworking the guide. However, I think there should be some remarks concerning uploads/attachments as sketched above.


starting on this, since joining effort defnitely wouldn’t hurt :

… or do they (/we) just kill some free time on easy picks ?

which sometimes may sounds like to hammer some repetitive prose, instead on pointing to existing help material :wink:

pt 1, 2. :thinking:
Some examples ?
(and usually, new comers just totally miss there’s an upload possibility.
we need to address the root cause!!)

pt 3. there are some ideas that some people are more “visual”. maybe question your motives for this post :wink:

pt 4. again, where do we provide this info to poster AS they are posting ?

obviously not the case :wink:

anyhow, thanks for your post.
maybe a wake up call to staff

wow, ok. I guess @lupp’s intent was not to go back to square 0 here,
but :
yes, it is how this discourse is operating,
and here is a pasted dark illustration :innocent:

and of course, those who don’t trust images can try for themselves :wink:

Unfortunately Discourse is quite different from AskBot (the former AskLO engine). In Discourse, only the owner of the post can delete it. Power users can’t do that.

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Importing text via clipboard or csv files is one of the most frequent Calc issues. Since there is no standard for character separated text tables, it is impossible to give any advice beyond guessing without having any sample of the text data to be imported.

How to upload an anonymized csv sample:

  1. Load a new Writer document.
  2. menu:Insert>Text from file… and pick the csv file.
  3. menu:Find&Replace…
    3.1. Check option “Regular expression”.
    3.2. Search: [[:alpha:]]
    3.3. Replace with: X
  1. Button “Replace All”
  2. Copy a couple of typical lines.
  3. Back in your browser with your topic, click the button that looks like </> (next to the upload button) and paste your lines between the 2 rows of back-ticks ```

A possible result looks like this:


This is a typical csv line from a strictly confidential bank account. Replacing all alphabetical characters with X, keeps the numeric data with all separators and delimiters but without any textual context. You may want to confound some phone numbers or account numbers manually.
We only need one or two typical lines of text data as they are stored in the text file. We don’t want any information encoded in these data.

as explained in This is the guide - How to use the Ask site? - #3 by Hrbrgr
with … an image :innocent:

full (vicious) circle ?

would make sense to update (or split) this ?
How do I open a text file containing separate fields in a spreadsheet? What if there are different field separators? - The Document Foundation Wiki

full subtitles here : Feedback after 2 months of use

This seems to be right, but …

  • I considered more than once for what reason the statement was posted in the current thread.
  • The "question" was tagged "meta", and its main keyword was "Upload".
  • There also was an intro emphasizing the intention of the post.

I described a way to upload a csv file in its original state with nothing but LibreOffice.

I understood that, but …

I will be quiet now about this. I just had a hunch that comments basically next to unrelatred to a "question" of this kind may thwait the intention.

Yes, this site wants to be "Q&A" only.
I succumbed to the temptation to disguise a topic as a "question". However, I already mentioned this in the first post.