Is there a wiki-style "Playground" on this site?

I’d really like a place where I could play around with formatting for this site, the way that many wikis have “Playgrounds” or playground-style pages.

This would make it easier for us to experiment with new types of links or formatting without spamming the front page with nonsense questions or bogus edits.

testing fdo#1234 syntax

you just created one… :slight_smile:

Testing comment delay

In-line code: ~/.bashrc; Bug link: fdo#123456; Internet link: wikipedia; Italic text: italic; Bold text: bold.

@manj_k – Re: comment syntax, I suggest that we enable the " Same editor as for questions and answers". Thoughts?

@qubit1 , @oweng – The problem: Every new user can add a comment (no longer restricted with karma points ≥3). [1] – How to keep a check on spam? — [1] how do i create an assocition with windows 8 mailAleBazz’s profile.

@manj_k, @oweng – Yeah, potential for SPAM isn’t good. I wonder if there’s a way we could give simple comments to users w/karma < 3?

@qubit1, @manj_k, I admit that spam is a more difficult issue for an ask site. Over on the alternate forum, where I am an administrator all new and updated posts are clearly visible upon login. I am rather ruthless with spam, deleting all posts and the user account out of hand. Isn’t @qubit1’s idea of a two-tiered comment system (3 points for basic text, 30 points for insert clickable links + formatting) what we have now? Is it just the formatting aspect that is missing?

@oweng, @manj_k – What do you think about enabling the editor for a while (a week or so) and seeing if SPAM picks up?

@qubit1, @manj_k, I am OK with this, but then again I am not an admin (which is fine) so will not see the behind the scenes data if there is any. I will keep an eye on SPAM. Being GMT+10 may mean I don’t see as much as others i.e., during peak periods.

@qubit1, @oweng – I agree to enable “Editor for the comments: Same editor as for questions and answers” – see also Bug 67084.

It seems that most Markdown implementations allow the definition of reference-style links. Does this work here?

The LibreOffice suite is free software and is cross-platform.

Yes, it does work! The definition of the link is hidden as it should be. It goes like this:

[libo-on-wikipedia]: "LibreOffice on Wikipedia"

Just to be clear for others, the link text anchor in the above is [LibreOffice][libo-on-wikipedia] which is then followed later by the link citation shown in the code example.

Syntax test (fdo#1234) here (@qubit)

Comment on an old answer

new comment with fdo#1234 and blo#2345 in it.

quoting styles


foo@bar:~/$ for i in blah; do echo harumph; done

Let’s play with code!

Here is some code within backticks(0).

Does this mark as code?
I = 5; Hope = 0; So = "period"

Yep, that works. Now for syntax highlighting?

a = 5
puts "Superdog " + 5
a.each{|beach, ball|
  some = stuff = here
  puts "is important"

Nope, doesn’t seem to have support for syntax highlighting like on GitHub

Note to self: Maybe just file request w/upstream now…

Code commenting styles – what works, what doesn’t work, etc.

    /* Some C-style code */
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
      printf("hello, world\n"); /* End of line comment */

C works pretty well.


    // Some Java code
    class HelloLibO {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!"); // End of line comment

Java looks pretty good!

How about Python?

    # A Hello-world function (with some extra stuff thrown in).
    def HelloWorld(s):
        print("Hello world")
        for foo in bar
          if passes(foo)
            print '%s' % foo
            print "Fails!"

Multi-line comments?

    """ Multi-line comment in Python
    probably isn't going to work right now

No, not working too well.

LibreOffice Basic?

    ' This is a Hello World snippet.
    print "Hello, world!"

Hmm… the formatter hates the unclosed single-quote. Let’s try again using ‘REM’

    REM This is a Hello World snippet.
    print "Hello, world!"

A little better, but the comment is still being highlighted like code, not a comment. Let’s try again, using either a C+±style or Bash-style comment.

    REM // This is a Hello World function.
    REM # Hopefully these comments will render as expected!
    Sub Main
      print "Hello, world!" REM # End of line comment.
    End Sub

Here’s some more LO Basic as a formatting example (from this question):

    Sub Main
      Set thisBook = ThisComponent
      studentsSheet = thisBook.Sheets.getByName("Students")

      i = 0
        c = studentsSheet.getCellByPosition(0, i)

        REM // Stop creating sheets for students once we find a
        REM // row with no name.
        If c.Type = Then
          print "Exiting: Found row with no student name."
          Exit Do

        studentName = c.String
        sNew = thisBook.createInstance("")
        thisBook.Sheets.insertByName(studentName, sNew)
        i = i + 1

      REM // Sanity-check on looping forever. We don't expect 
      REM // to have over 1000 students.
      Loop Until i > 1000
    End Sub

Here’s an upstream post about the code behind the syntax highlighting:

Looks like it’s

Also see – looks like it might be possible to pass-along the language name and get a bit better highlighting. We might need to add a new language handler if LO Basic and Visual Basic use a different grammar.